Hi! I’m Kathy Anderson. Welcome to my blog, Mamma’s Gotta Work. I’m so happy you are here!
Here is a Little About Me:
I have been a business owner since January 1978. I got into the world of business when my in-laws invited my husband and me to move from Southern California to Orem, Utah to go into the submarine sandwich business. Our restaurant was called Good Time Charlie’s, and unfortunately, it turned out to be a difficult venture. As the business struggled, I gave birth to our second child. When it came time to prepare our taxes, we discovered our accountant had disappeared. Being the “I can do anything” type of person that I am, I left my two children in the capable hands of my sister-in-law, and I went out of town with my husband for three days. He worked as a truck driver hauling coal out of the coalmines. While he was out, I stayed in the hotel and went through receipts and the previous year’s taxes. When I emerged from the 3-day hotel stay, I had successfully prepared our business tax return. I decided that accounting and taxes was a natural talent for me, and since tax season was the slow season for my husband’s work, it made sense for me to go into the accounting field.
Long story short, I have had my own accounting business since 1980. During that time I raised 7 children (6 boys and 1 girl). For the first 20 years, my business was my family’s extra money – the vacation money, the wedding reception money, etc. But in 2000, I found myself the sole financial provider for my family. I still had 4 children at home. I thought maybe I should get a “real” job, so I began to look around. I found that to replace my husband’s income I would have to get 3 full-time jobs. That just wasn’t going to work for me. So, with help of my son, I set out to drum up new clients and build my business. It was tough for a couple of years, but I learned a very important lesson. If you work for someone else, you have no control over your income. If you work for yourself you can get out, work hard, and market yourself or your products. Today, my son and I own and operate a very successful accounting firm called Soulence. We employ 5 people, 4 of which are my children.
This is Why I Started this Blog:
I know what it is like to work and raise a family. As women we feel like we have to do it all, so I decided to create a blog where women can come together and support each other by sharing ideas about business and family and together make our lives less stressful and more successful. Whether it be business ideas, organizational ideas, cleaning solutions, chore charts, recipes, or encouragement, I hope this blog will be a place where all women can come and find helpful answers to their problems and frustrations. So, join me, and I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.